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Clicking above will donate to our General Stewardship. If you'd like to give to a specific fund you can click a link below:
Church in Latin America
Church in Eastern Europe
Black & Indian Missions
Catholic Relief Services
Diocesan Mission Appeal
Good Friday Collection for The Holy Land
Retirement Fund for Our Diocesan Priests
Catholic Home Missions
Catholic School of Pointe Coupée Tuition Assistance
Catholic Communications Campaign
Peter's Pence – The Holy Father's Collection
Catholic Charities of The Diocese of Baton Rouge
Catholic University of America
St. Mary's Religious Education Program
Propagation of The Faith – World Mission Sunday
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Retirement Fund for Religious
Diocesan Parish Services
Regular Stewardship
St. Mary's Building Fund
Adoration Chapel Memorial
For the Poor (Our local St. Vincent dePaul Conference)
Joane Smith Memorial Music Fund
Children's Schola
St. Francis Chapel Memorial Fund
Ladies' Altar Society
Bereavement Committee Memorial Fund
Easter Flowers Fund
Religious Education
Youth Ministry
Sarita Bouanchaud Parish Beautification Fund
Book Donation
Candle Donation
Transportation (Youth and Other Events)